Switchblade: exploring the caves

Switchblade was always touted as one of the great games on the GX4000, using the power of the console over the standard CPC version and benefiting from instant loading.  Given the size of the map, that’s not surprising; the disk version certainly seems to chug regularly.  Despite having owned it for many years, I’ve never given it a proper go beyond making sure that the cartridge worked.  Over the Christmas holidays I had some time to rectify that.

The first thing I was surprised about was the accuracy of controls. When playing many 8-bit games, there’s a noticeable lag in inputs, and games are often designed to allow for this.  Some games did this better than others – Titus the Fox, for example, allowed a bit of leeway in jumping.  That’s not the case here, but the response to inputs is instant, making you feel much more in control.

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