Doom RPG: completed!

I wasn’t that near the end, as it turns out. I’d just survived a massive explosion and Junction was ruined, but I still had to fight my way through the red reactor section before getting to the portal. Oh, and on the way, kill Kronos.

In fact, killing Kronos was easy. One hit with a rocket and one from the BFG and he went down.

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Doom RPG: backtracking

After gaining the green keycard, there’s a door in sector 1 (in the yellow area) which you’re able to open. To get there you have to go through the whole of the sector, fighting off easy enemies with a single shot. Then you get through the green door, and blue dogs start jumping at you and it’s just a bit scary.

Anyway, the green sector is relatively easy, once you’ve levelled up a bit. Again, though, I didn’t find many secrets along the way.

Doom RPG: green keycard get

Completed the yellow sector now, although I’ve missed a lot of secret areas along the way. Rather annoyingly, if you go back into any completed sectors it doesn’t provide you with the map you’d uncovered previously, so you can’t see where you’d found secrets before.

Some of the enemies are getting just a little scary.

Doom RPG

It’s a mobile game. That I’ve paid for. And it’s really good.

The RPG doesn’t stand for rocket-propelled grenade, as you might expect with Doom. It’s a proper Role Playing Game – sort of like Dungeon Keeper but set in the Doom universe, using Doom enemies and so on. Combat is turn-based, but it flows with the main action of the game superbly. There’s humour, too, with many of the human non-player characters having well-written dialogue and backstories.

It may get repetitive later on, but for now I’m enjoying it. I’ve completed the entrance and have moved into the yellow sector. The enemies are starting to get just a little harder now.