Assassin's Creed Bloodlines: completed!

While still bogged down in the quest to avoid quests in ACIII, and with a newly-charged Vita downloading games I had purchased on the webstore and forgotten about, I came across Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines, a PSP game I bought for about £2 in a sale a while ago.  Set between the original AC and ACII, it got middling reviews at the time of release, and I can understand why – on first impressions, it’s trying to be a fully-fledged AC game, and releasing alongside the amazing ACII won’t have done it any favours.

But step back from it for a bit and you realise that it’s actually far better than it appears.  Gone are the open, sprawling maps, replaced with small, discrete areas.  Gone are the countless distractions, and the missions are a lot shorter (albeit often with multiple parts).  Unlike the original game, Bloodlines is far more linear, not requiring multiple side missions before approaching the main target.  This is a game designed for mobile playing, where there is no requirement for you to remember your objectives for hours on end.  It may be driven by the limitations of the hardware, but the result works really well.

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Summer holiday gaming

Since Peterborough Passport Office is staffed by the most wonderful people ever, I’ll be off on a holiday on Friday. This evening, therefore, I’ve been trying to decide what to take with me to play by the pool. After all, books only last so long …

I’ll be taking my iPod, so of course I’ve got Peggle and Phase.

I’ll be taking my DS, with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates being lined up to be completed on the flight over. Since my sister is also going, I’ve got Animal Crossing: Wild World. My brother and mum also have DSes, so 42 All Time Classics may be fun in the evening. The last spot of my 4-cart holder is taken up by Pokémon Pearl, because, you never know, one day I might complete a Pokémon game.

I’ll also be taking my PSP. I’ve even charged it up, which was necessary since it’s not been used since around January when I had a quick go of PES5. PES5 is in the slot, and I’m also taking Loco Roco in the hope of finishing that; Power Stone Collection in the hope of starting that, Wipeout Pure, and the film Borat because I’ve not watched it yet and everyone says it’s funny.

I think this is the first holiday in a long time that I’ve not packed an Advance Wars game. To be honest, on past holidays I may as well have only packed Advance Wars. Hopefully this time there may be some variety …

Desert Strike: massive difficulty spike

Some would have a fit over the fact that I’m not playing it the way it was designed, but I’m really enjoying being able to save after every part of each mission, rather than having to complete a whole mission at once. I only ever reached the third level of the original Mega Drive game, so I’m hoping to do better on this.

I probably won’t though, given my current idiocy. I got to a point on level 2 where I had to attack the chemical plant – but when I went near it, I got bombarded with bullets and missiles, all of which seemed to do about twice the normal damage. There was a danger zone around the plant, and I was struggling.

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