Moving day

Regular readers of this blog may notice some change.

Well, they won’t, because this is now going to be at a completely different web address, so regular readers won’t see this until I post on my old blog and tell them about the move, at which point they will be expecting change anyway. Plus, of course, I have very few regular readers, if any at all, given my infrequency of posting.


I am moving to WordPress from Blogger, due to feature availability, a desire to decentralise, and a fear that Google may one day just drop Blogger support with no notice. The move was not exactly seamless. Old posts have strange formatting quirks; images seem to still be hosted at the Blogspot server; there is an inconsistency in categories and tags which will take some time to get my head around. I will update some posts over time; I will also publish some others which have been stuck in draft form for months. If you find anything completely broken, please tell me.

Good to see you again.

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